Not a blur Queen anymore! Yes i bought a mouse and wasn't late for tutorial! Kudos to me yay!
I learnt some things ever since school started besides those school-books-related stuffs.
1. Bus 21 and bus 123 does not go 201(ngee ann there) Omg i didn't know it at all lor! How come no one tell me!
2. There's shuttle bus from SAFRA to TP & i took it today ha.
3. Bus 5 and bus 168 does not go TP. So paiseh la! I almost took bus 5 from Safra today till i saw one of my classmate walking down the bus....
4. TP is soo damn small. Cos like my friend know my friend's friend, my primary school friend is friend of my friend of my secondary school friend lol very funny one srsly.
I had a hard time trying to recall past year Amath. Its been half a year since i touched it hello, SIX V LONG months! Till now i still don't know how i managed to pass my Olvl Amath laa. Sigh double triple sigh. Buy its doable la minus away all my carelessness.
& lastly, thank you felly's one love treat & sk's book. :)
Can i shout SWIMMMMMMMIIIIIINGGGGGGGGG!~ but i got the wheelbarrow thing tmr shall see how it goes.
Say you love me. XO