I've been so busy ever since school started last month. Every weekend is filled with activities. Just September alone, I attended three 21st party! A surprise party for dear tintin, Ivy's one @ Micheal Hotel & May's one at Changi area. And then the main highlight for this month will definitely be my Bkk trip (yes! again!). Of course, wholly enjoyed myself for this trip & the main credit is certainly the company :') wish I could pen down all details of the trip on my blog.. so that in future, I can look back to my travel post and recall as much as I can. There's so much to blog about but I do not know where to start and also I guess the biggest problem lies on my goldfish memory. As one week passes by, memory starts fading. Sigh, how could one trip that used to hold much dear memories be forgotten? That's why they say happiness is short lived.
Attended two 21st this week. Eamon's party was totally eye-popping, wow-wow one. My dream ''suite'' every since I saw TypicalBen's 21st. Never expect myself to land up there one day! Heh, another thing to be thankful for this month. :') Just came back from Night of Horror last Sat and it wasn't as boring as what most people perceived! I kinda enjoyed it though I got freaked out a few times haha but then again, whats the fun without getting scared? :)
For the past weeks, it felt like time spent with the boy wasn't enough. I wish there were a day in between of Saturday and Sunday. I wish there wasn't army or guard duty.. wish he could be here anytime I feel like seeing him. But oh well, #lifeofaNSgf. Sharon and Dad birthday this week plus Felly's Hens night. My closest friend is getting married and I'm super stoked for her!! OMG. On top of all these activities, still gotta juggle between the endless project and work. Reckon within fun, study and money, you just gotta give up on one. Guess which one did I choose to give up on next month?