Happy 2014 folks ^_^!!
2013, especially the later part of the year has been nothing but bad for me. This year saw heartbreaks, broken trust, struggling to meet project deadline and many sleepless night. No new year resolution this year, actually I stopped making one ever since years back because nothing ever get done and its sad knowing that you accomplish nothing the entire year. All I wish for in 2014 is to be a better person than I was last year.
On a lighter note, 2013 is the first and definitely will also be the last year of me attending the most number of 21st. More than 10 parties and mostly are hosted by friends dear to me. I just realized that I did not blog any single one of 'em! Omg, I think I should do compilation of all into one blog post and last but not least, a separate entry for my #ym21st. I really need to find time to pen that entry down. There's too many people I would like to thank and I want to remember every single details down through this blog. But as the days get longer, memory starts fading. Should really get started ASAP! Ah! & my recent trip to BKK which is not so recent anymore like three months back hahaha I haven't even adjusted the pictures! Really gotta stop doing back tracked post!
First photo taken this year. Spend our countdown at MBS and this is the first time we did not snap any picture of the firewoks. We just enjoyed the good whole 2-4 minutes. Thank you for staying with me yet another year ♥ No amount of words baby could describe how much I love you and how fortunate am I to have you in my life :')